Креативная digital-студия дизайна, web-разработки и маркетинга Color Squirrel | Цветная Белка | Казахстан

+ 7 (702) 189 64 75 | Color Squirrel Studio - единственная в Западном Казахстане креативная digital-студия ПОЛНОГО ЦИКЛА, разрабатывающая все проекты с нуля и "под ключ". Дизайн, web-разработка и маркетинг - три основных направления, которые гарантированно помогают нам делать Ваш бизнес по-умному красивым и по-современному продающим! ;) До конца мая 2022 г. действуют накопительные системы скидок до -30%. colorsquirrel.kz


other services:

"why is our site not visible in Yandex?"...

service "SEO" means a complex of the digital measures to optimize Your website for the right and the desired display in such search engines as Google, Yandex, etc.

Simply put, you may need this service if your site is not displayed (or displayed, but not the way you want it; or is not listed among the top positions in the search results) in the above-mentioned search engines. After carrying out SEO adaptation activities by our team, such problems will be resolved in the shortest possible time (from 2 weeks).

"in order to assess the effectiveness of investments and the significance of changes, it is necessary to digitize at least two points: the beginning and the end of the path"...

the team of Colored Squirrels will hold for you:
quantitative marketing research that will help you evaluate the key indicators of your company and, based on clear data, build a future business decision strategy.

high-quality marketing research that will help you find out what your customer thinks, what he likes and what he rejects, what he thinks about your product and why he can choose competitors. such data will help you to build working sales scripts in the future, which are guaranteed to increase the performance of your business.

"in order to assess the effectiveness of investments and the significance of changes, it is necessary to digitize at least two points: the beginning and the end of the path"...

  • the team of Colored Squirrels will hold for you:
  • quantitative marketing research that will help you evaluate the key indicators of your company and, based on clear data, build a future business decision strategy.
  • high-quality marketing research that will help you find out what your customer thinks, what he likes and what he rejects, what he thinks about your product and why he can choose competitors. such data will help you to build working sales scripts in the future, which are guaranteed to increase the performance of your business.

"advertising is the most exciting thing you can do without undressing"...

we will help you turn Internet users into your customers through creative, sometimes challenging ;), attracting maximum attention and hitting the target with advertising. try it, you'll like it.

"well, where is it already without social services.media"...

Instagram Facebook, VKontakte, LinkedIn, etc. by ordering services from the smm & smo series, we will help you achieve the desired results in the implementation of your product or service on social networks: professionally package your company's account into a modern design WITHOUT TEMPLATES, set up a solvent flow of customers and engage in the community. Your customers will be satisfied with you!

"it is much easier for us to delegate all the work on the project to experienced specialists and deal with other issues"...

You will no longer be "football" to different specialists. You will be able to delegate the entire process of creation, market launch and long-term promotion of the project to the Colored Squirrel team. we ourselves, practically without your participation: we will conduct marketing research, design a project, launch it, we will curate and promote it.

"video marketing is gaining more and more popularity and will soon replace banner advertising"...

more and more brands are winning over customers through commercials. what makes you worse? by ordering the "promo video development" service, you will receive a CATCHY and selling video prepared for broadcast on-line and on−line

"no website? are you sure you live in the 21st century?"...

No, seriously. we will not tell you what a website is and why you need it. we are sure that if you are reading this and are interested in our services, you know exactly the answers to these questions. the only thing you may not know is the amount of experience the Colored Squirrel team has in site development. we answer: our team has created more than 20 large, dynamic, adaptive to all popular screens of sites only in 2020-21. therefore, by ordering the website development service from us, you will receive a high-quality online platform that will meet your requirements.

"corporate identity is not an expense item, but an income item"...

that's right. the corporate identity of your company is a complex of what your client visually contacts, what he will remember and leave in his subconscious, what will make your company recognizable. by ordering this service, you get:

  • logo
  • corporate palette
  • printed media of the brand (printing)
  • legal media of the brand
  • digital uniform style for social services.networks
  • creatives for advertising
  • a single style for the site
  • and other carriers of the company's style

"in order for a brand to turn out "seriously and for a long time," it must be simple and respectable, original and, in some way, provocative"...

by ordering the branding service from us, you will receive a brand that will attract the attention of your target audience, tell your potential buyer about the spirit of the company and tell the story of the product. You will get a brand that intrigues, arouses interest and a desire to know it, and therefore BUY it.

"it is his client who will see first"...

the "logo development" service is the second most important service that you should order from us immediately after naming... and it is better together with him! by ordering this service, you will receive a unique, MODERN branded graphic sign, which, becoming the face of your company/product, will help you make your company recognizable and develop the trust of your customers in the product.

"we will never buy a product that
doesn't have a name"...

everything is simple.. but it is extremely important! by ordering the naming service from us, you will receive a professionally designed, unique, memorable, understandable and trustworthy name for your company, product or entire product line.

IMPORTANT: if your company does not have a unique name, Tsvetnoy Belka recommends that you order this service first. without a unique name, your company will have no chance in the competitor market.

"don't know where to look for your target audience and how to attract it? don't have time to devote full time to this? delegate these tasks to us and take up more priority functions for you!"

our team will work to promote your business! we will study the needs of your customers, find out why they choose competitors and not you, create a working sales funnel and implement it, improve the visual part of your brand, develop a selling website, promote your business in 2GIS, YANDEX.INSTAGRAM FACEBOOKAND TIKTOK ;) On GOOGLE MAPS AND GOOGLE.MAPS, We will bring customers from INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK AND TIKTOK ;)

Yes, you will be able to take all the promotion tasks off your shoulders and delegate them to the COLOR SQUIRRELS team.

студия "Color Squirrel", разработка бренда, дизайна, сайтов в Атырау. Европейский, современный дизайн. В команде дизайнеры и маркетологи из Украины, Казахстана, Чехии и России | Работаем с городами: Атырау, Актау, Уральск, Актобе, Нур-Султан (Астана), Алматы и др. городам Казахстана

создание логотипа в Атырау | Color Squirrel Studio | Работаем со всем Казахстаном

нейминг в Атырау | Color Squirrel Studio | Работаем со всем Казахстаном

студия графического дизайна в Атырау | Color Squirrel Studio | Работаем со всем Казахстаном

студия веб-дизайна в Атырау | Color Squirrel Studio | Работаем со всем Казахстаном

разработка фирменного стиля в Атырау и по всему Казахстану | Color Squirrel Studio | Работаем со всем Казахстаном

разработка айдентики в Атырау и по всему Казахстану | Color Squirrel Studio | Работаем со всем Казахстаном

разработка видео в Атырау и по всему Казахстану. Монтаж роликов. Съемка рекламных промо-видео | Color Squirrel Studio | Работаем со всем Казахстаном

студия "Color Squirrel", услуги SMM (СММ) в Атырау и по всему Казахстану. СММ-специалисты из Украины, Казахстана, Чехии и России | Работаем с городами: Атырау, Актау, Уральск, Актобе, Нур-Султан (Астана), Алматы и др. городам Казахстана

разработка сайтов в Атырау и по всему Казахстану | Color Squirrel Studio | Работаем со всем Казахстаном

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opening hours from 18:00 to 03:00

in Atyrau (UTC +5)

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You will be able to take all the promotion tasks off your shoulders and delegate them to the COLOR SQUIRRELS team. just write to us.